Hekate’s Journal


We’ve collected articles for you on women’s health, nutrition, fertility and pregnancy, so you don’t have to. From premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea and more.

Listen, period poops are a real thing. But why?
Ella Mackenzie Ella Mackenzie

Listen, period poops are a real thing. But why?

Ever wondered why your reproductive and digestive systems team up each month, bringing a mix of symptoms? This article explores the link between menstrual cramps and often-overlooked digestive issues, such as altered bowel movements or ‘period-poops’. However, these symptoms are often not discussed openly and therefore come with a sense of confusion around their cause. Understanding your body’s anatomy and muscle functions, helps us develop strategies to ease and address the diverse challenges accompanying the menstrual cycle.

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5 Little Things To Do For Your Partner While On Their Period.
Isobella D'Aiello Isobella D'Aiello

5 Little Things To Do For Your Partner While On Their Period.

It's no secret that we women and uterus owners have the ability to bring forth life into the world. But what some people don't know is that while we're having our period, we also have the power to make or break our partners' day.

When your partner's on their period, the last thing they should be worrying about is you. It's not that they don't love you, it's just that at that moment in time what matters most to them is getting through their period. It doesn't make them a villain for needing chocolate, magazines, the remote and maybe a shoulder to try on. In fact, it makes them normal.

The next time you know their next period is approaching, try one of these 5 little tips to make life easier (for everyone) during that time of the month.

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Period TENS Units: 5 Things To Know Before Buying One.
Elizabeth Zizik Elizabeth Zizik

Period TENS Units: 5 Things To Know Before Buying One.

You have crippling menstrual cramps, and all you can talk about is how you wish it would go away. Pain relief doesn't come quickly enough. We understand your pain, and we’re here to help. In this post, we'll take a look at what to know before buying a period TENS machine to help you get relief.

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You deserve
better periods.

And we can help, today.